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First Time Buyer Mortgage

When looking for a first time buyer mortgage to buy your first home it’s important to deal with someone who is Properly qualified to advise – who will make sure you choose the most suitable mortgage to meet your current needs and circumstances.

Perhaps you have saved up for a long time to cover the cost of the deposit, stamp duty, survey, solicitors fees and all the other expenses that come with buying a house. If that’s you, then the size of the deposit will be one of the factors that will dictate which first time buyer mortgage schemes are available and the interest rates charged.

Of course, you might not have enough saved for a deposit – perhaps you have been renting or spending your cash on other priorities. There are many first time buyers who fall into this category – they feel that they can afford the monthly cost of a mortgage but simply don’t have enough for a deposit and all the other costs.

If that’s you, it may not be the end of the world – there is a small number of lenders who recognise how hard it can be to get on that first step of the ladder, so they may be happy to lend 100% of the purchase price. You would however require a guarantor
to be able to achieve a loan of 100%.

The next step…
It doesn’t matter which category you fit into – but you do need to be aware that every lender has their own lending rules to help them decide who they will lend to, how much they will lend, what proof of income they require and how they will treat people with a less than perfect credit history.

All you need to do is phone us on 01282 420334 (9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday) or click on Contact Us so that you can receive professional, unbiased advice. We can arrange everything for you – even help you complete the paper work!

CALL US ON 01282 420334